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One of the most frustrating things about trying to write a novel is that you will often hit a wall and not know where to go next. Most writers struggle with this and sometimes it can be because our thoughts just aren't flowing as we want them to. Sometimes we just need a good prompt or prompt card, i.e. “What happens next?”This article has compiled many of the best prompt cards for the unwavering writer so stop looking for them on your own and use these instead!
Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The 37 Best Websites to Learn Something New". (You may begin using the blog's name or the name of your own blog. You do not need to place a link back to the original blog post. Link only to the original resource.)
Character inspirationProvide at least three examples of your character’s internal dialogue in response (or in response to) something said to him or her by another character (even if you do not intend for this to be taken as internal dialogue). The following is an example from one of my books, "Mimi's Complete Guide To Training Your Pet Dog".
"She raised her eyes from her plate of scrambled eggs and stared at Bill for a few moments. She would have expected a well-meaning, but bumbling man like Bill to try to excuse his behavior downplaying the importance of what he was saying. She could understand that he saw it as just a simple request for help with a fussy pup. However, her harsh reaction was not so easily dismissed. In fact, she felt it was well deserved."
"It's right here," Mimi said, pointing to the book on her shelf. "There are several helpful hints in there I thought were worth sharing. I would love for you to take a look at it."
Create a character profile by answering the following questions. You may be as detailed or as brief as you wish. You can even ignore these questions and make up your own! But, by answering them, you'll develop a better sense of what your character is like. Be as creative as possible. Feel free to attach anything you feel is important to know about them.
Name: _____ Gender: _____ Age: _____ Occupation: _____ Significant other (husband/wife, significant other, etc.): _____ How does your character describe his or her appearance? What colors does he or she wear? List at least four features you’ve chosen for your character to take into consideration.
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